Gateway Commercial Finance

Manufacturer Factoring - Financing Product Manufacturing

A Bucking Problem

When Custom Shavings received a record order from one of the nation’s largest farm supply companies it needed a quick solution to fulfill delivery requirements. “We’re a specialty manufacturer of bedding material for the horse and cattle industry. We’ve built a solid reputation on a consistent and quality product… apparently we caught their eye! It was a tremendous customer to land but created new headaches.”

Custom Shavings suppliers extended minimal terms and with this new customer it required greater volume. “Our primary material supplier is a timber company and they often required prepayment on loads or would only give us 5 days to pay. With the new volume of raw material and the extended payment terms from our new customer it was a gap we could not easily cover. We needed a quick solution. It’s not difficult to find a factor, but we searched for the right mix of prompt decision making and personal service. We chose Gateway Commercial Finance because we were able to deal directly with the decision makers and within a few short conversations… we both had a workable deal. With steady cash flow… we’re back in the saddle again!”

Taming Cash Flow

manufacturer factoring

Manufacturing Finance Using Invoice Factoring

When your company is looking for solutions to critical financial issues, you need an organization that is willing to create an ongoing solution that addresses all of your needs. You need a financial company that understands the importance of a swift and customized solution to your growing problems. The longer it takes to create a solution to your issues, the closer your company gets to potential disaster.


Specialty manufacturers have a unique business model that is very sensitive when it comes to manufacturing financial issues. When you have a company that is known for high quality products that use the best possible materials, then you do not want to compromise your process when a big opportunity falls into your lap. After years of hard work, your specialty manufacturing company is finally handed the kind of sales contract that rewards you for your attention to detail. But in order to provide the kind of products that attracted this new customer in the first place, you need to work out a deal with your suppliers that will allow you to fill orders.


A small, specialty manufacturer that suddenly finds itself needing to purchase raw materials in bulk can be hit with the reality that suppliers are not as accommodating as they had hoped. Cash is king when there is a sudden increase in the size of your materials orders, and all you have are invoices from a large customer that could change your company’s entire future. When you find the right manufacturing finance partner, those invoices are all that you need to get the necessary materials to grow your organization.


An manufacturer invoice factoring company works at the speed of business and can turn your outstanding invoices into the funding you need in a matter of hours. As your large customer increases their order volume, your manufacturer factoring funding will be able to keep pace and supply you with the cash you need to meet the needs of your clients.


Once you get involved with manufacturer invoice factoring and see what it can do to help your specialty manufacturing company take on this one new client, you will soon realize that the invoice factoring process can be repeated over and over again. Instead of being a small, specialty manufacturer that does not have the manufacturing financial resources to take advantage of new opportunities, you suddenly become a growing company that can take on customers of any size. Manufacturer invoice factoring becomes the catalyst you need to grow your sales, while still maintaining the level of quality that got you that growth in the first place.


Instead of feeling like your company’s success has turned into potential failure, you need to reach out to a manufacturer factoring company and change your outlook. An invoice factoring company will turn your sudden success into the foundation for long-term growth. The sooner you get started with invoice factoring, the sooner you can start to take on those larger opportunities that you once thought were impossible. When you have a reliable manufacturing finance source created by manufacturer invoice factoring, you soon realize that nothing in the business world is impossible.