Gateway Commercial Finance

Healthcare Staffing Factoring - Nurse Staffing

Expert Care...

After nearly 30 years as a nurse Tina Taylor decided to start her own nurse staffing firm. “I had no idea of the challenges we would face running our business. I’m a nursing professional, not an administrator… so many parts in running your own business.” Gateway was able to provide Tina with a suite of products and services that are designed to support a growing business.

“Gateway was an ideal partner. In addition to the cash flow, they expertly monitor and manage my receivables, monitor my customers credit ratings and provide me with a suite of management reports that help me better manage my business. It’s nice having someone look after me for a change!”

...Solutions Stat!

healthcare staffing factoring

How to Use Healthcare Factoring to Support Payroll Funding

One of the dreams of many healthcare providers is to one day starting their own company that can help others. But the problem is that the desire to help others is only one, small part of running a medical staffing company. While you may know how to care for sick and injured patients, you may have no idea how to solve payroll funding issues and monitor your receivables. You also are a little foggy on customer credit issues and finding additional funds for your start-up.


Receivables factoring is a service that solves all of those problems. A good healthcare staffing factoring provider can help you to focus on excellent care and not worry about paying the bills. A healthcare staffing factoring company will keep a close eye on customer credit ratings and let you know when a customer is in danger of losing their creditworthy status. It is the kind of practical business process you need to keep your company in business.

Payroll Funding Services Is A Smart Solution

It is not unusual for medical staffing companies to get overwhelmed with their payroll funding needs. Receivables are a critical part of any company, but they can get especially complicated for healthcare staffing companies. A staffing company has a wide variety of clients to handle and they all pay in different ways. That creates payroll funding issues and that can put your healthcare staffing company out of business.


Outsourcing your receivables to a healthcare staffing factoring company is a very smart business decision. Instead of worrying about when you will get paid on your invoices, you can rest assured that the money will be in your account when you need it. You can also utilize a factoring company to determine the creditworthiness of a potential new client and keep an eye on your current roster of customers.

Focus On What You Do Best

As a healthcare professional, you are the best at taking care of clients. But your dream of running a medical staffing company can come crashing down if you do not attend to your finances properly. The best part is that you do not need to know a whole lot about receivables because a payroll funding company can take care of that for you. A factoring company takes the worry out of running your business and gives you the freedom you need to expand and improve your care services.


Running a healthcare staffing business is one of the more rewarding careers available. But it can become a burden if you do not know how to handle the financial side of things. With the help of a staffing factoring company, you can take care of your cash flow issues and keep a close eye on your customers at the same time. A payroll funding company will help you to find the right path to grow your business and it will keep you following that path until you have achieved successes that you never thought possible.