Consulting Services Factoring
Sky High Possibilities
When Kevin Wild formed his company after a long career in the armed forces, he didn’t realize the opportunity he was standing on. “After a successful career as a fighter pilot and ultimately becoming an executive with Delta Airlines, I wanted something different after my retirement. I was not ready to retire and flying was out of the question. By education, I’m an electrical engineer but I have not practiced in nearly 30 years.”
Given Kevin’s extensive contacts, he was encouraged by a friend to start an engineering and consulting firm for LTE and other infrastructure upgrades. “I was amazed at how quickly the opportunities were presented to us. The acquisition of experienced talent was easy but funding the growth became a real challenge.” Kevin’s accountant recommended Gateway Commercial Finance to support the start-up’s rapid growth.
“Gateway was easy to work with. Almost overnight, they eliminated my worries with mobilization and payroll, allowing us to focus simply on serving our clients.”
...Launching Opportunities!

Our Factoring Program Helped This Consulting Business and Can Also Help Yours!
If there is one thing we believe in strongly it is the success of a start-up. After many years of helping small businesses to stabilize their cash flows and find success, we have seen the devastating effects that success can have. While every start-up business owner dreams of attaining success, many who find immediate and significant success are caught off-guard and their business dreams hang in the balance.
There is a lot to be said for a start-up entrepreneur who is modest and plans on working hard for their success. But there is even more to be said for entrepreneurs who plan their businesses carefully and consider all angles. When you turn on your “open for business” sign for the first time and the response overwhelms you, then it is time to think about your funding and what you will do to sustain your overwhelming growth.
The first thing a new business that finds success does is hire new talent to meet customer demand. Vendor invoices can be paid 30 days after you receive them, but payroll is a recurring expense that has to be met if you want to keep your talent and move forward.
When it all seems like it is too much for your new business to handle, then that is when you give our invoice factoring experts a call.
Consulting service factoring work just as well for start-ups businesses as they do for established corporations. One of the problems you will find as a start-up in need of funding is that a bank will not be so ready to lend cash to a business that does not have an established credit history. With consulting invoice factoring, your company doesn’t need a credit history to get the cash flow it needs to meet payroll and other ongoing expenses. All you need is a steady flow of qualified invoices to approved customers and we can help you to meet your growing demands.
We move quickly to establish your start-up factoring account and make the invoice submission process simple with our online interface. We review the approval criteria with you and make sure that you understand how to maximize the power of your invoiced sales. When you submit a qualified invoice to your approved account, we can have the cash deposited into your account in a matter of hours. Now you can go out and hire the talent you need to meet the rising demand and take care of all of your other ongoing expenses as well.
For new companies that experience immediate success, funding can become a huge problem. You need to hire talent, but how can you make payroll when your cash flow is hampered by slow-paying customers? A bank is not going to lend money to a company with little or no credit history, so you appear to be out of options. That is when our our consulting invoice factoring services come in and utilize your healthy stream of invoiced sales to create the cash flow you need and help your start-up to find success.