Gateway Commercial Finance

Drafting Staffing Agreements ( 6 Sample Contracts Included)

Temporary staffing agreements outline the terms between staffing agencies and clients, covering services, responsibilities, payment terms, and dispute resolution. They ensure clarity and compliance. In this article, we’ll explore typical clauses and provide sample contracts.

Typical Staffing Agreement Clauses

A typical temporary staffing agreement includes several key sections that outline the terms and conditions under which the staffing agency and the client operate. Here are the standard clauses commonly found in such an agreement:

  1. Introduction and Background: Identifies the parties involved, the purpose of the agreement, and key definitions.
  2. Term of Agreement: Specifies the duration, renewal conditions, and termination provisions.
  3. Contract Employees: Details the provision of staff, qualifications, responsibilities, and documentation requirements.
  4. Independent Contractor Status: Clarifies the employment status of contract employees and provider responsibilities for taxes and insurance.
  5. Invoicing and Payment Terms: Covers invoicing frequency, payment terms, credit line limits, late fees, and dispute resolution for invoices.
  6. Provider Obligations: Includes non-discrimination policies, staff employment terms, insurance requirements, indemnification clauses, and incident tracking.
  7. Facility Obligations: Details communication of staffing needs, rate sheets, time tracking, cancellation policies, staff management, orientation, and dress code compliance.
  8. Non-Solicitation and Hiring Restrictions: Prevents direct staff hiring by the client during and shortly after the agreement term without the provider’s consent.
  9. Miscellaneous Provisions: Includes clauses on governing law, arbitration, notices, amendment procedures, severability, and limitation of liability.
  10. Additional Considerations: This may include insurance requirements, the percentage of supplemental staff used, authorized personnel, and information on facility group size.

These elements collectively ensure a clear understanding of the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of the staffing provider and the client, facilitating a smooth working relationship and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Six Sample Temporary Staffing Contracts

Here are some sample staffing agreements. We strongly advise to consult an attorney before using them.

The Importance of Staffing Contracts

Having a contract for your temporary staffing company is essential for several reasons, regardless of the type of temporary staffing or number of employees. Here are some key reasons why contracts are essential and should be noticed. 

Clarity and Understanding

Contracts provide a clear written record of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties involved. This helps to ensure that all parties have a mutual understanding of their rights, responsibilities, and obligations. By outlining the specific details of the agreement, including employee classifications, billable rate, overtime rate, holiday hours, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms, contracts help to prevent misunderstandings, disagreements, and disputes.

Legal Protection

Contracts are legally binding agreements that protect the interests of all parties involved. They establish each party’s rights and obligations and provide recourse in the event of a breach of contract or dispute. A well-drafted contract can help mitigate risks, clarify expectations, and provide legal remedies in case of non-compliance or disagreements. Without a good contract, parties may be left vulnerable to potential disputes, litigation, or financial losses.  When in doubt, seek legal counsel. 

Risk Management

Contracts help to identify and address potential risks associated with a temporary staffing transaction or customer relationship. By including provisions such as indemnification clauses, limitations of liability, warranties, and termination rights, contracts allocate risks between the parties and provide mechanisms for addressing unforeseen circumstances or events that may arise during the agreement. This helps to protect the parties from potential losses, liabilities, or damages that may occur.


Contracts provide a basis for enforcing the rights and obligations of the parties in a court of law, if necessary. A written contract signed by both parties serves as evidence of the agreement. It can be used to resolve disputes or seek remedies in case of non-compliance. A legally enforceable contract gives parties confidence that their interests will be protected and that they have recourse in case of a breach or disagreement.

Professionalism and Credibility

Using contracts demonstrates professionalism and credibility in business dealings. It shows that parties take their commitments seriously and are willing to formalize their written agreements. This can build trust and confidence between parties, enhance business relationships, and attract potential partners, clients, or investors who value transparency and accountability.

Drafting Party

If you want the business, you may be asked to sign your customer’s contract (in lieu of yours). Your contract should be biased and designed to protect your interests, while your customers’ contract will naturally protect theirs. If it’s a requirement that you sign your customers’ agreement to secure the business, ensure you know what obligations or rights you may be giving up, as they may be material. 

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