Gateway Commercial Finance

Temp Staffing Services Markup Calculator

What's The Minimum Mark-up Needed to Break-Even?

Setting competitive rates to ensure financial stability is key for staffing companies. To achieve this, it is important to understand the concept of break-even markup. This specially designed calculator aims to help staffing companies determine the markup needed to cover both direct and indirect costs associated with their business operations.

Input Required

Hours Worked per Month: The total monthly hours the temporary staff will work. This information can be obtained from work schedules, employment contracts, or project timelines.

Pay Rate ($/hour): The hourly wage paid to the temporary worker. This rate is typically specified in the employment contract or agreed upon during hiring.

Direct Cost of Labor Rate: This is the total direct cost rate per hour for temporary workers, taking into account various taxes and other direct costs. This rate is applied to the pay rate to determine the total tax burden and statutory charges per hour. Here is another calculator to accurately determine these temp staffing direct cost of labor rate.

Total Overhead Costs ($/month): Monthly expenses are not directly tied to service production but are necessary for running the business. You can learn more about these staffing company indirect costs and calculate them here.

Temp Staffing Markup to Break-Even Calculator

Important Note

The result shows the minimum markup required to break even. At this markup level, your company will not make a profit. To achieve profitability, you should set a higher markup.

Why is This Staffing Markup Calculator Essential for the Temporary Staffing Industry?

This tool provides invaluable insights into your business, from identifying the minimum markup required to cover your costs to facilitating better financial planning and budgeting.


  1. Profitability Insight: It helps you identify the minimum markup required to cover your costs, ensuring that every contract contributes positively to your bottom line.
  2. Cost Management: Provides a clear picture of how various costs (direct labor and overhead) impact your pricing strategy and overall profitability.
  3. Pricing Strategy: Assists in setting competitive and profitable rates by accounting for all relevant costs, ensuring your services are attractive to clients and sustainable for your business.
  4. Financial Planning: Facilitates better financial planning and budgeting by highlighting the impact of different cost components on your required markup.

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